Let’s Pray Together.
Welcome to 21 Days with Jesus! Together, we will lift up a different area of our lives each day, trusting God to move and bring growth. We encourage you to be intentional these next 21 days and prioritize time with Him, listen to His voice and watch how He begins to move! Join us by using the digital booklet or sign up for a daily email below.
We believe that spending time with Jesus can make a big difference in every part of our lives. That’s why we are so excited to join together in 21 Days With Jesus! Download our Woodvale Kids digital booklet to go a little deeper each day with a written prayer and a Bible verse.
Start each day with purpose during 21 Days with Jesus. Each morning, we’ll send you a daily focus, scripture, a written prayer, and simple steps to deepen your connection with Jesus—all delivered right to your inbox. Don’t miss this opportunity to grow closer to Him!