The Summer of a Lifetime
Summer Shake began in 1998 as a way for our church to give back to our community by providing quality care for during the summer months. Summer Shake is designed for kids between the ages of 5 and 12 years old (all campers must have already turned 5 to attend).
Funshops & Programming
Each week at Summer Shake, we will be offering "Funshops" - where your child(ren) will be able to learn a new skill or do an activity that interests them. Funshops are designed to stimulate creativity, burn off their energy, and help them meet new friends.
Out-Trips & Excursions
At Summer Shake Day Camp, we offer special weeks that include off-site activities. Below you can view each week’s theme and any special out-trips we will be taking.
Camp Dates & Times
Summer Shake Day Camps begin July 7 and run through until August 29. Daycamp hours are from 9:00am-4:00pm with the option of before-camp care beginning at 7:30am and after-camp care running until 5:30pm.
Camp Themes & Dates
July 7-11
Friday out-trip to Saunders Farm
July 14-18
Friday out-trip to Cosmic Adventure
July 21-25
Friday out-trip to Saunders Farm
July 28 to August 1
Friday out-trip to Mont Cascade
August 5-8 (Closed Monday)
Friday out-trip to Cosmic Adventure
August 11-15
Friday out-trip to Museum of History
August 18-22
Friday out-trip to Saunders Farm
August 25-29
Friday out-trip to Mont Cascade

Early Bird (Before May 1): $190/week
Regular Fee: $200/week
Our Values

Want To Join The Team?
We’d love to have you join the Summer Shake staff. To apply, submit your application below.
Parent Information
To contact our Day Camp Director, Krista Bascur, please email summershakeoffice@woodvale.ca or call 613-829-2362
We take pride in offering some of the most affordable childcare in the Ottawa region. Our rates are based on our operating and program costs.
Because our goal is to offer affordable, quality care to our community and not create profit, we are pleased to offer our camp at : $190 weekly (Early Bird before May 1), then $200 regular rate. You may add before or after care for an additional $10 each week, per child. We are unable to hold spots at the camp without payment. Please note: Payment for each camp week must be paid in full upon registration. Registration amounts are fully refundable up to 10 business days from the start of each camp week. After that point, cancelled registrations will only be refunded at 50%.
Fee Payments
Payments can be made through the registration portal. Online payments can be made through our website with a designation to Summer Shake Day Camp. If you have any issues with payment process, please give us a call at the church office at 613-829-2362.
After care ends at 5:30PM sharp. Late parent arrivals are subject to additional fees. The fees are as follows:
Between 5:30 – 5:40 PM – there is an additional $2.00 charge.
Between 5:40 – 5:50 PM – there is an additional $10.00 charge ($12.00 owing).
Between 5:50 – 6:00 PM – there is an additional $10.00 charge ($22.00 owing).
Every 10 minutes thereafter is an additional $10.00 charge.
Late fees are per child.
Cancellations and transfers can be made up to 10 working days (2 weeks) prior to the start of a session with 100% refund.
Cancellations less than 10 working days will receive 50% of the original payment.
If a transfer is made less than 10 working days prior to the start of a session, a $10.00 administration fee will be charges.
There are absolutely no refunds once a session begins.
Names of anyone other than a parent or guardian who is authorized to pick up your child should be clearly listed on your registration form. Photo ID will be required of anyone who we do not recognize. Under no circumstance will we release a child to anyone unless they are on the authorized pick up list. Parents may add names to this list at any time by showing photo ID along with a written note identifying the person. We will verify call-ins by calling a parent/guardian back at a number already listed on your registration form.
Some families choose to carpool or go home with friends at the end of the day. Parents must give written permission for a child to go home with another parent.
Safety and welfare of our campers is our number one priority. If we have reason to believe that a parent or another authorized person on the pick-up list is under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or impaired in any other way that may affect their care for the child, we will not release the camper into that person’s custody. We will call a spouse, relative or someone else on the child’s pick-up list.
FacilityAll entrances to our designated common areas are treated as monitored doors during camp hours. Any unlocked entrance is monitored by a staff member. In addition, our main entrance will be locked outside of our designated pick-up and drop-off hours. Upon arrival, an individual should call the church office number on the door to have someone come to the entrance to let them in.
Campers may be dropped off from 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm and picked up from 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm. If a child is being dropped off outside of these hours, they must ring the bell at the entrance and be let in by a Lead Coach or Director. Parents will be asked to check in at our drop-off station to receive their pickup tags. These will need to be presented to our staff at the end of the day in order to pick up their child. Before care (7:30 – 8:30AM) and after care (4:30 – 5:30 PM) are each an additional $2.00 per day, per child.
We recognize that some children require regular administration of medication, so we maintain a very strict procedure for medication administration. If your child requires medication while at camp, please be sure to complete a Camp Medication Form on site upon arrival. We will only accept enough medication for one week and it must be in the original prescription bottle with the child's name and prescribing physician. All medication (even Tylenol) must kept by Lead Coach. Please speak with our Directors about special exceptions such as asthma inhalers.
All medication must be presented to staff on a camper’s first day. A camp medication form must be completed with specific details regarding dosage and when it should be administered. In addition, all medications must be in the original issued bottle and properly labeled. Should the administration of the medication exceed the abilities of our staff, parents/guardians will be informed upon arrival. No medication other than a physician prescribed inhaler or epipen may be kept on person or in personal belongings undeclared.
All illnesses must be communicated to camp staff to ensure the effective care of the camper. Children may not be accepted into the camp if our staff feel that they may cause a risk to the health of others. Campers who may have contagious illnesses may be required to stay home from camp until a medical Doctor gives written notice that their illness is no longer contagious. Serious illness that does not physically permit a child to come to camp may be considered for a partial refund when a doctor’s note is presented, outlining a child’s inability to participate in regular camp activities.
Our facility is a nut aware facility, meaning that we do not permit nut products on site. However, due to the multiuse nature of our facility and the numerous campers in our program, we cannot guarantee a nut-free facility. Any food or snacks containing nuts may be confiscated and replaced with a suitable snack at the parent/guardians cost. In addition, we do not accept any liability from nut allergies, as we do not guarantee a nut free facility.
Medical Concerns
All allergy and severe medical concerns must be communicated to the administration during registration to make sure that we can take suitable precautions. Although we will make efforts for the safety of the child, we cannot guarantee contaminant free facilities or activities for allergies, or necessary restrictions for severe medical concerns. Parents/Guardians of children with serious allergies or medical concerns must contact the administration directly to see if our program and facilities can properly and safely cater to their child’s needs.
We ask that each child bring a lunch as well as a morning and afternoon snack. Parents may also provide money at the check-in table for their child to have extra treats at the canteen.
We also provide a packaged Subway lunch at an extra cost for those who wish to order. To find the Subway order form, please click the "parents" tab on our main page.
Any Government-issued heat warning will result in adapted programming and a reconsideration of any outdoor out trips. Temperatures with humidex of mid to high thirties will result in a consideration of adapted programming and increased breaks for rest and water.
Extreme weather caused by storms may result in adapted programming, or in extreme cases cancellation of our programming, including out trips.
We encourage you to make sure that your child is wearing clothing that can get dirty or wet. We do a lot of outdoor play and make lots of crafts!
Water Play
We like to spend lots of time outside in the sunshine! This may include some fun water games. Some of our out-trips involve swimming and water play as well. Make sure you check your schedule for the week’s activities so that you know what to bring.
Swim Safety
Some of our out-trips may involve swimming. Our swim policies are based on the City of Ottawa camps and general swim policies of the facility that we attend.
Out-trip departure times may vary depending on the destination. Parents/guardians are encouraged to have their children checked in by 8:45 am the morning of an out trip to ensure adequate time to prepare and depart. No stops or deviances from out-trip routes can be made to accommodate late parents. Three counts will be made prior to departure and confirmed with check in information prior to departing. On the bus, children are expected to stay seated and act appropriately, adhering to all instructions by the bus operator as well as any staff or volunteers.
Camp Shirts
Every year, each camper will be issued one camp t shirt. This shirt must be worn every Friday on our weekly out trip to help us identify campers. If campers come without their shirt, one may be borrowed with a $5.00 deposit or piece of identification.
Items From Home
Campers are permitted to bring water bottles, books, food, sunscreen and clothing items. Please put your child’s name on all belongings. We cannot guarantee the safekeeping of extra items and are not responsible for the loss or damage of items. Campers are not permitted to bring gum, phones, tablets, music devices, pocket knives, video games, trading cards, weapons of any kind, and toys. Parents/guardians who are unsure about an item should ask a staff member upon arrival.
A bike stand is located outside the main camp entrance. Bikes are not permitted to be parked inside the church. Campers are welcome to use the bike stand, however Summer Shake does not accept any liability for lost or stolen bikes.
Inclement Weather
All out trips and programming are subject to weather conditions and unpredictable circumstances, and may be adapted or cancelled with little or no notice. No refunds or compensations will be issued for such changes or cancellations.